Saturday, February 6, 2010

hello i have a great idea lets make homade tracts !!!!
there reall y easy first copy your favorite memory verses!!!!!
then explaine why Jesus died for us draw pics of the things you talked about!!!!
love daisy aka beth


  1. ashton aka brownie girl what is your favorite nancy rue book and what time are you on?????

  2. I am not ashton or brownie girl but my favorite Nancy Rue book is Sophie's World! I haven't read all of the Sophie books yet but I am in the proccess of it! I have also read Body Talk... It was good also... Right now I am reading a book by Don Piper called 90 minitues in Heaven! It is an AWESOME spiritual book! It is really good if you just had someone in your life die like I have... There have been so many deaths in my life at this point in time! Kayla Darby died from cancer, Baby Ryker died from cancer, so did Kennis Nix and Mhegean Britten, Jeremy, and all of those innicent people in Haiti! So it is really good for me! Also how do you make homade trats?

  3. thanks a lot !!! i wondered about body book is it good?????? love beth aka daisy

  4. I don't really have a time schedule.. But anyway.. My favorite book is probably.. Sophie Loves Jimmy.. I read all the books except one.. Sophie Tracks A Thief

  5. oh thanks brownie girl !!!!

  6. well you go onto your computer write out scriptures such as john 3:16 onto the tract excplaine how to get save and mabey give your testamonie and tell them why they should go to heaven excplain a simple prayer and tell them jesus lives them make copys and spread them around town on bullitin boards or w/the newspaper try it tell me how u did it if u want....
