Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a sneak peek!!!

a little bit of chaper one in the first sophie book thanks to zondervan!!!

please stop? I can hardly think what to do next! Here I am in a strange
country—I can’t seem to find my trunk, and—
“Sophie! Answer me!”
And could you please no
Sophie — hel-lo-o! I’m speaking to you!” I know, thought Sophie LaCroix, but could yout call me “Sophie”? I’m Antoinette—from
“Are you all right?”
Sophie felt hands clamp onto her elflike
shoulders, and she looked up into
the frowning face of Ms. Quelling,
her sixth-grade social studies teacher.
Sophie blinked her M&M-shaped
eyes behind her glasses and sent the
imaginary Antoinette scurrying back
into her mind-world.
“Are you all right?” Ms. Quelling said again.
“Yes, ma’am,” Sophie said.
“Then why didn’t you answer me? I thought you were going
into a coma, child.” Ms. Quelling gave a too-big sigh. “Why do I
even plan field trips?”
Sophie wasn’t sure whether to answer that or not. She had only
been in Ms. Quelling’s class a month. In fact, she’d only been in
Great Marsh Elementary School for a month.
“So answer my question,” Ms. Quelling said. “Do you or
don’t you have a buddy in your group?”
“No, ma’am,” Sophie said. She wasn’t quite sure who was
even in her field trip group.
“You’re in the Patriots’ Group.” Ms. Quelling frowned
frowned over her
clipboard, the skin between her eyebrows twisting into a backwards
S. “Everybody in that group has a buddy except Maggie
LaQuita—so I guess that’s a no-brainer. Maggie, Sophie is your
buddy. LaQuita and LaCroix, you two can be the La-La’s.”
Ms. Quelling rocked her head back and forth, sending her thick
bronze hair bouncing off the sides of her face. She looked very
pleased with her funny self.
But the stocky, black-haired girl who stepped up to them didn’t
seem to think it was the least bit hilarious. Sophie recognized Maggie
from language arts class. She drilled her deep brown eyes into Ms.
Quelling and then into Sophie.
Don’t look at me, Sophie wanted to say out loud. I don’t want to
be La-La either. I am Antoinette!
Although, Sophie thought, this Maggie person could fit right in. She
looks like she’s from a faraway kingdom, maybe Spain or some other
romantic land. She can’t be “Maggie” though, Sophie decided. She
had to be Magdalena, a runaway princess.
Magdalena glanced over her shoulder as she knelt to retrieve
the leather satchel, stuffed with her most precious possessions—


  1. hey if any one has any storys or wants to talk you can hay out on my web like you do on nancy rues!!!!

  2. so sorry i ment hang out!!!!love beth

  3. missed yall!!!!beth

  4. Lets talk Beth, when are you on?


  5. hey i am here i miss talking!!!!!1beth

  6. oh i will be on around 12:oo pm!!!! love beth aka daisy
