Thursday, February 4, 2010

i wish the world was fair!!!!

some times i wish the world was fair!!!! like some people reject my writing and i dont even know why!!!! but the worls is not fair !!!!! tell me about a time when your world was not fair!!!!
and i welcome your storys p.s. are the nancy rue books good are the books like the author???????


  1. brownie girl i posted on your web please write a story on mine you are allowed TOO!!!!!!

  2. One time when my world was not fair was when I tried telling a girl about Jesus and she said that I was wierd and that she was never going to heaven! Then she ran off! Of course she was 3 though...

  3. Ok thx Daisy/Beth... My brother thanks you for his comment.

  4. oh she might not understand but keep prayng for her are her parents saved??????? ok brownie girl i am glad he liked it!!!

  5. Thank you... Her and her parents are both saved thankfully! She is growing up in a all Christian family! Her older sister and her dad got baptized at the lake at the same time last summer! Some people cried and it was so special for both of them!

  6. thats something i havnt hed of give her time beth aka daisy p,s she probably doesnt understand ,,,,,,,thats nice she has achristian surrouding.....
